Haley Robison

MBA 2014
  • Hometown: Southlake, Texas
  • Pre-MBA: Senior Associate Consultant at Bain & Company

Haley Robison

Post Graduation Goals:

To work in the field of experiential education or health and wellness. I would like to pursue something entrepreneurial.

Favorite GSB Memory So Far:

Summiting Mt. Whitney at sunrise with 11 of my classmates.

Roll out of bed and get dressed. Oatmeal. Bike to school.
Supply Chain Management bright and early. Still dreaming of sunny Napa from Monday’s mini vacation (yes, I’m including that photo because it’s better than a picture of me at an 8 am class!), but Professor Whang makes the early class bearable. He is more enthusiastic about information systems than anyone I’ve ever known.
Finance with Professor Perez. We call him FPG. Discuss CAPM, field a cold call, catch up with James and Saul.
Grab a quick lunch and sit down in Arbuckle to send out some emails. Run into Katy. Love that girl.
Team meeting to prepare for Steve Blank’s Lean Launch Pad class, taught “across the street” [that’s how we refer to Stanford University]. The class is well-known at the GSB; in it, teams explore start-up ideas. My team, Team Pyka: Collin, Saul, and Katka is working on a start-up in the outdoor space. The class uses a ‘flipped’ model, where we watch lectures outside of class and then use class time to present our progress and provide other groups with feedback. The class is a ton of work, but has changed how I think about entrepreneurship and how I will approach any start-up.
Run home to grab a snack and get ready for class. Leave to pick up my team.
Lean Launch Pad class at the Engineering building across campus. Our team got some tough feedback – we will need to push hard this next week.
Grab a quick dinner with my team at Spice Kit on California Ave. to debrief class and game plan for the week. Coconut juice makes my night.
Listen to Alex Tarzy and Javi Hernandez share their stories at TALK. TALK is a long-standing tradition at the GSB where our classmates share their stories with a packed room of people! As a TALK coach, I help my classmates prepare their TALKs. I look forward to every Monday!
Meet with Peter, Hiro, and Eduardo to complete our group SCM assignment. We were asked to develop a recommendation for a company system architecture.
Bike home.
Finish up an application for the Outdoor Adventure Club leadership team.
Respond to emails. Prep for tomorrow’s classes.
Lights out!
Bike to d.school [Institute of Design at Stanford]. I love my trusty white and neon green Huffy. I bought it off Craig’s List my first week of school for $30, and it’s only failed me once (shredded tires on the way to class…).
Meet my d.leadership partner Thomas to prep our board for Design Review 2. Thomas and I are working with a team from Comvita, a New Zealand-based natural health products company to help them develop innovative solutions for entering the U.S. market. We are currently designing for diabetes patients.
Design Review begins. Representatives from 11 partner organizations fill the room to hear updates on everyone’s design projects.
Celebrating our project milestone!
Debrief with my Comvita team. All the design teams are mingling for lunch; we share our prototype with the co-founder of Man Crates.
Bike home.
Eat lunch and work on LLP. Gameplan with Saul on the phone about Team Pyka work.
TALK coaching session with Bryon Jansen, helping him think through what he wants to say. Bryon’s TALK is about living better stories. And he’s so tall!
Work. Attempt to catch-up on emails and prep a bit for class tomorrow.
Head to CIB (Christians in Business) dinner at Arillaga. Can’t find parking. Find parking! Then realize dinner’s been moved.
Decide tea from Starbucks is much needed. Go pick up my friend Caitrin and get tea.
Pick up my roommate Patti from school and take her to her <SURPRISE!> birthday at Hannah’s apartment in downtown PA.
Go with Sabrina and Caitrin to check out a house for next year. Most MBA2s live off campus.
TALK coaching session with Jasper at the Nuthouse.
Meet Team Pyka for a quick LLP brainstorm session. Wondering if we should pivot, explore a new idea or expand our existing idea? Whiteboard like crazy. Decide how to proceed to maximize our learning with the weeks remaining.
It has been a long day. Asleep fast.
Wake up and bike to GSBfit. GSBfit is a bi-weekly group workout that my classmate Jamie and I lead outside next to Schwab. It’s open to anyone who wants to come. We write a different workout for each session. Mix of cardio and strength. We love it!
Sweat time.
Bike home, eat grapefruit (my fav!) and chat quickly with my Aunt Karen (also a fav!)
Meet my d.leadership partner Thomas at the Tressider Starbucks to prep for our 10 a.m. design session with Team Comvita.
See our Comvita team getting coffee at Starbucks, they join us, and we do the first part of our session there. Learned about each other – and Comvita’s organization – using an unconventional technique called Animal Dynamics (thank you IDEO). Tons of laughter. Tons of insight.
Head to d.school Studio 2 for brainstorming and project mapping.
Wrap up session and take pictures of our work so we can remember it. Yay for technology.
Enjoy lunch with Kadir and co. before economics.
Economics and Friday afternoon. Two things that don’t go together.
Complete two phone interviews for LLP, one with the founder of Trew Gear in Portland.
Alex picks me up for a Dish walk.
Shower time.
Meet Noga for a TALK coaching session. Celebrate Friday with a Corona.
Meet Jennifer, a d.lead classmate, at Starbucks to visit and prep for our method card assignment.
Dinner with Johnny. Praise the Lord for Asian food.
Fede’s birthday party! Celebrate with friends and dance the night away.