Thursday, Nov 12, 2020
9:00am – 10:00am
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Alumni Webinar: Get the Salary You Deserve

Learn to negotiate your compensation from a panel of executive recruiters who will provide advice on salary negotiation and calculating your worth.
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Do you understand your true value in the job market? Are you confident that you’re actually earning what you’re worth? 

Compensation negotiation can be challenging at any stage of your career, but at the executive level, failure to correctly demonstrate your value and negotiate your worth at the critical moment can set your career plan back years.

Whether you plan to ask your current employer for a raise or need help demonstrating your value for a new role, learn how you can avoid common pitfalls and form a well-researched strategy to secure the compensation you deserve. This complimentary webinar, hosted by BlueSteps for business school audiences, will feature executive recruiters who will share their tips about:

  • How to prepare for salary questions you may get during an executive interview
  • How to negotiate when currently unemployed
  • How to calculate your worth
  • When to ask for a pay increase

BlueSteps is affiliated with the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants and offers career services to experienced professionals.

Who should attend

  • Stanford GSB alumni interested in honing their negotiation know-how
Registrants will also gain free access to the recording.