Federico Ruiz-Guinazu

Federico Ruiz-Guinazu
MBA 2015
  • Hometown: Buenos Aires
  • Pre-MBA: Consulting at McKinsey & Company

Federico Ruiz-Guinazu

Post Graduation Goals:

Consulting for McKinsey & Company at the Buenos Aires Office and hopefully helping the country overcome its current economic crisis.

Favorite GSB Memory So Far:

Skiing in Tahoe with 20 of my classmates after a great snowstorm!

Lots of sunlight coming in my Schwab window! Time for a light breakfast.
Morning run around the Dish. This 3.3 mile run through the hills is a great way to start the day, with a great view of campus and some days even of San Francisco. Watch out for mountain lions!
Answering emails and finishing details on my summer internship with an exciting startup called Hop.In
Our first meeting as the Latin American Student Association new leadership team! Discussing plans for our 3-quarter term with Jorge, Dani, Diego and Luiza.
Back in Schwab, working on our team project for the eBusiness class. We are analyzing how technology is disrupting the wealth management industry.
Meeting with my eBusiness group at Bass library to make the final edits on our paper and submit.
Watching some of my friends do improv with the Archuckle Fellows at the MBA Lounge. Abdul Aziz, Assaf and Tony celebrate after a hilarious performance. GSB’s got talent!
After grabbing food at Coupa Café, I head back home. It’s a long 2 minute walk to my room in Schwab!
Breakfast and some reading in my room. I need to prepare a case on PayPal before eBusiness this afternoon.
Almost done with the PayPal case, a little guitar-playing break. I’m working on a song to play at the next Open Mic night, which happens every 2 weeks in Schwab.
Getting food in Arbuckle before walking to CEMEX Auditorium for View From The Top.
Today’s speaker is Thomas Friedman, who shared his reflections on over 40 years as a journalist. He left us with a final piece of advice: “Always call your mother.”
Last Managerial Economics class. I’m going to miss sitting by Jill and Muz!
Presenting our final project at the d.school, for our Design for Sustainable Abundance class. We worked on a solution to help working parents feed their children healthfully. Great experience working with the design thinking method and with students from other graduate schools at Stanford!
Cycling back from the d.school to Knight Management Center with Christine. Winter isn’t over but beach volley season is back! Only in California.
Last eBusiness class of the quarter! We review the PayPal case and get tips on how to prepare for the final exam.
Hitting some balls at Stanford’s driving range. Great way to relax after a busy day!
Grocery run to Safeway in Menlo Park.
Back home!
Early squash session with Charlie. Great match but as usual he wins! Courts are a 5-minute walk away from Schwab. Great way to start the day!
Last Managerial Finance class. Reviewing concepts for the final exam next week.
Helping MJ with Pi(e) day, one of the events we organize as part of the Student Association’s Social Committee. Town Square is sunny as usual and the event is a success - no pies left!
For our last Marketing class, the professor divides the class in half and we play trivia against each other to review cases and concepts. Great way to remind us that we do need to study for our final exam!
The end of my Data & Decisions class also signals the end of a busy quarter for me. I took 21 credits but it was totally worth it! Now one week of exams and then off to Singapore and Indonesia for my Global Study Trip. It’s going to be awesome!
Small group dinner at Mike’s room with Christina and Whitney. Great company, great food, great wine, great cheese, great whisky and great music! And a very complicated game of Cards Against Humanity – British version – to end the night.