Image Pacific Ocean
Monday, Mar 17, 2025 Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025

Cultural Resources and Sustainability

Becoming a more sustainable planet will depend on recognizing the inherent value of culture to people, and the need to align cultural and natural resources.
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Image Pacific Ocean


Stanford Graduate School of Business

Event Details

About the Sustainability Research Conference Series

The Stanford Initiative on Business and Environmental Sustainability Research Conference Series is hosted by Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.

Culture and cultural heritage imbue and enrich our lives. As a global community, we are increasingly cognizant of the need to valorize, protect, manage, and sustainably utilize culture to safeguard local communities. This is evidenced through explicit mandates establishing a Cultural Working Group by the G20 nations, and the implicit place of culture in all 17 SDGs, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 30x30 target, and the UN Ocean Decade.

This workshop has the dual role of providing a broad overview of cultural attributes, including tangible, intangible, and biocultural heritage, while focusing on the Indian Ocean. The event aims to provide the infrastructure to integrate research on cultural resources into Marine Spatial Planning policy, with a focus on island communities in the Indian Ocean specifically.

As part of this conference, methods and approaches will be outlined for data gathering, alongside conceptual discussions on how to safeguard the rich cultural heritage of the region for global communities.

Conference Organizers

Eeshan Chaturvedi

Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University

Fiorenza Micheli

David and Lucile Packard Professor of Marine Science; Chair, Oceans Department; Co-Director of Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions; Senior Fellow at Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University

Josheena Naggea

Blue Food Futures Program Manager, Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University

Krish Seetah

Associate Professor of Environmental Social Science, and Oceans, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, and, Associate Professor of Anthropology, School of Humanities and Science; Sykes Family Faculty Director, E-IPER; Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University