Monday, Jul 03, 2023
6:00pm – 7:00pm
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Joint Alumni Forum: Trash, Trash, and More Trash. Circular Economy Solutions for Profit and Non-profit

The Joint Alumni Forum in collaboration with the Stanford Club of Switzerland would like to invite you to an interactive evening commencing with presentations with Circular Economy legends, (i) David Katz (Plastic Bank), who will discuss his success in building a for-profit social enterprise with over 31,000 community members, 80 million kilograms of plastic removed — the equivalent of 4 billion plastic bottles and 576 recycling communities and (ii) Roman Peter (Trash Hero) who will discuss how he mobilized a volunteer network with over 450,000 volunteers, removing 2,3 million kg of garbage. (6:00-7:00pm CEST)
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Impact Hub Viadukt
Viaduktstrasse 93
8005 Zürich, Switzerland