Camino Therapeutics (D)
In the #MeToo era, allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct pose difficult issues for employers, particularly when allegations surface about incidents that occurred prior to an employee’s term at the company. This case, fictionalized but based on real events, centers on the challenge that the founder of a biotech company faces when he receives an email alleging that a new employee (male) raped an acquaintance prior to joining his firm. This case brings up questions of how to deal with the person lodging the allegation, the employee concerned, other employees who become aware of the allegation, police, human resources and legal players.
Learning Objective
Prompt students to consider the legal, ethical, reputational and corporate-culture issues that arise when an employee is accused of sexual misconduct or assault. Role play conversations with the accused, other executives, lower level employees, etc. Examine various possible courses of outcome and weigh pros and cons of different approaches to the situation.