Nice Ventures
| Case No.
The case follows Laurie Thomas, a Silicon Valley software executive, as she transitions to a career in the restaurant industry as Executive Vice President of a small restaurant management company in San Francisco. Specifically, the case covers Thomas’s background and introduction to the company and her decision to come on board full time. When she takes over the company, she discovers a series of problems that had been going on under the founder and she has to make several critical decisions early on. The case then highlights several employee related issues that are going on at one of the restaurants and the different potential options Thomas has for dealing with them. Next the case covers the events of a company offsite where Thomas was confronted with some negative feedback from her direct reports. The case concludes with Thomas considering the different options she has in confronting the various problems at the company.
This material is available for download by current Stanford GSB students, faculty, and staff only. For inquires, contact the
Case Writing Office.