Share our Strength and American Express: Developing Market Alliances (A) Taste of Nation Sponsorship
| Case No.
Focuses on Share Our Strength (SOS), a national nonprofit anti-hunger organization. Examines various decisions faced by SOS related to the establishment of marketing partnerships with American Express (AMEX) and Restaurants Unlimited, Inc. (RUI). The specific alliances involve two corporate sponsorship decisions, Taste of the Nation (TOTN) and Dine Across America (DAA), and one cause-related marketing partnership, Charge Against Hunger (CAH). This case provides background and history of SOS from its inception in 1984. Also details the organization’s first key fund-raising event, TOTN. SOS’s search for a corporate sponsor for TOTN revolves around consideration of American Express. It is up to the student to assess this opportunity. Teaching Purpose: Provides a detailed illustration of the approach taken and challenges faced by a particular nonprofit organization as SOS leveraged its resources into beneficial relationships with corporate partners. Teaching Note available.
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Case Writing Office.