| Case No.
| Length
9 pgs.
The Wello case and TourMonkey case describe two start-ups that chose to sell to strategic acquirers within the first few years of operation. Both of these companies had good ideas, strong teams, hard-working founders, and other attributes that helped them attract funding. Each company was thoughtful and analytical in testing its business concept before raising money and afterwards kept expenses low. However, for various reasons both founders faced challenges that led them to sell the company earlier than each founder originally anticipated.
Learning Objective
The case highlights some of the challenges and lessons young companies may face and the decision process founders go through when considering their options. The teaching objective of the case is for students to learn from these companies’ experiences and realize that even when a founder may have all the right inputs for a start-up, the company may not turn out as the entrepreneur originally expected.
This material is designated for use in specific Stanford GSB classes only. For inquiries, contact the
Case Writing Office.