Flibe Energy: Pursuing a Safe, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy Future
| Case No.
| Length
30 pgs.
Flibe Energy is a startup in the nuclear power space seeking to find a safe way to enable nuclear energy using a technology previously dismissed by the US government since it could not be used for making material for nuclear weapons. The founders believe they have found a way to create safe, clean energy using a proven but forgotten technology. The challenges are steep, however, as proof of the technology will require hundreds of millions of dollars in funding.
Learning Objective
Enabling students to see how entrepreneurs can seek to attain breakthroughs that could have broad impacts on society through technological innovation, but doing so in the context of a startup which has high capital needs.
This material is available for download by current Stanford GSB students, faculty, and staff, as well as Stanford GSB alumni. For inquires, contact the
Case Writing Office.