
Design Thinking is About Doing

Stefanos Zenios describes an action plan for entrepreneurs.

July 28, 2015

| by Steve Fyffe

A scholar shows how design thinking and lean startup methodology can help entrepreneurs quickly transform their big idea from a rough sketch on the back of a napkin into a real world product. In this video, Stefanos Zenios provides tips on how to get customer feedback, create effective prototypes, and facilitate more productive brainstorming sessions.


  • Why is brainstorming a good way to generate new ideas? 0:05
  • How do you facilitate brainstorming among different personality types? 1:00
  • What’s the best way to find out what your customer needs? 1:41
  • Why are immersion and empathy critical to the design thinking process? 2:52
  • What are the benefits of building a prototype? 3:31
  • How do you prototype a business model? 4:28
  • Does design thinking generate better ideas? 7:04
  • Can anybody be creative? 7:34

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