“AI Will Be as Common in Healthcare as the Stethoscope.”
Dr. Robert Pearl believes tools like ChatGPT will make patients healthier, providers happier, and medical bills smaller.
Medicaid Expansion Increased Spending Without Boosting Benefits
A new study evaluates the impact and unexpected costs of bringing Medicaid coverage to millions of new recipients.
How Obamacare Has Improved Farmworkers’ Health
A new study finds that the Affordable Care Act helps agricultural workers get better medical care — and avoid the ER.
This Chart Shows the Big Admin Costs Behind Americans’ Medical Bills
$215 to process a routine medical procedure? It’s not like this everywhere.
A Plan to Inject More Funding into the War on Antibiotic Resistance
Two doctors propose federal subsidies to accelerate R&D on urgently needed antibiotics.
See Also Government & Politics
Insights and faculty research on government: The influence of government on economics, creating and enforcing public policy, regulations, laws.