Content appeared in the Stanford Business School Alumni Bulletin in July 1946.
On Saturday evening, May 25, 340 alumni, students, faculty, and friends of the business school gathered in the Lagunita Dining Hall for the school’s first postwar annual dinner. Professor Dowrie was honored guest and main speaker of the evening. Other participants in the evening’s program included Mrs. J. Henry Burke who, accompanied by Mrs. Hargrove, gave three violin selections; Ferris W. Miles, ’29, who announced the new Business School Alumni Association; H. Dudley Swim, ’28, who made the presentation to Professor Dowrie of a desk, chair, and bound volume of letters, all from the alumni; and C. Harold Overfelt, ’27, who presented the George W. Dowrie Scholarship in Finance to the president of the university. President Tresidder accepted the scholarship for the university and spoke briefly on the work and program of Stanford GSB. Dean Jackson acted as chairman of the dinner.
An especially pleasing note was added to the dinner by a telegram of greeting and congratulations sent from Vermont Professor Mears in honor of Professor Dowrie; in this telegram Professor Mears referred to Professor Dowrie as having “a character of granite and a maple-sugar disposition.” Thirty-six hours later a second telegram brought the sad news of Professor Mears’ death.