Teaching Approach

Because no two students — and no two subjects — are alike, our educational philosophy is uniquely adaptable. By incorporating an expansive range of academic methods, approaches, and experiences, we create a learning environment that leads to success.

Right for the Subject, Right for You

Whether it’s group projects, hands-on labs, problem-solving sessions, or lectures, Stanford GSB faculty members select the teaching method that’s best for each subject. That flexibility means you’ll learn in a variety of ways, and you’ll learn more effectively.

Your Stanford GSB experience will be customizable, adaptable, and personal. You’ll work closely with advisors and coaches who work to understand you and your goals. And, you’ll benefit from curricula tailored to your experience, background, and aspirations.

Faculty Spotlight
Director, Arbuckle Leadership Fellows Program

The Arbuckle Leadership Fellows Program teaches second-year MBA students how to effectively develop others through coaching and mentoring of first-year students. This experiential program provides students with a wide range of tools to employ and adapt in learning how to lead different types of people today and in the future.

Exceptional Practitioners and Leaders

We complement our faculty with an impressive roster of global thought leaders and innovative executives, who participate in speaking events, seminars, and class instruction. As a result, you’ll have direct access not only to great scholarship but to some of the most exceptional business minds in the world.

Using Simulations as a Teaching Method

Using Simulations as a Teaching Method

Learn how simulations are used in the Stanford MBA Program from noted entrepreneur Mark Leslie and Professor Jim Lattin.