
Our doctoral program in the accounting field offers broadly based, interdisciplinary training that develops the student’s skills in conducting both analytical and empirical research.

Emphasis is placed on developing a conceptual framework and set of skills for addressing questions broadly related to accounting information. While issues of financial reporting, managerial accounting, corporate governance and taxation are the ultimate concern, special emphasis is given to applying basic knowledge of economics, decision theory, and statistical inference to accounting issues.

    Spectrum of Interests and Research Methods

    Faculty research represents a broad spectrum of interests and research methods:

    • Empirical and analytical research on the relation between accounting information and capital market behavior examines the characteristics of accounting amounts, the effect of accounting disclosures on the capital market, the role of analysts as information intermediaries, and the effects of management discretion. Issues examined also include the impact of financial information on stock and option prices, earnings response coefficients, market microstructure, earnings management, voluntary disclosures, and the effect of changes in accounting standards and disclosure requirements.
    • Problems of information asymmetries among management, investors, and others are currently under study. This research investigates, analytically and empirically, the structure of incentive systems and monitoring systems under conditions of information asymmetry. Research on moral hazard, adverse selection, risk sharing, and signaling is incorporated into this work.
    • Other ongoing projects include research on the economic effects of auditing and regulation of accounting information, and analysis of tax-induced incentive problems in organizations.
    • Additional topics of faculty interest include analytical and empirical research on productivity measurement, accounting for quality, activity-based costing for operations and marketing, and strategic costing and pricing.

    Preparation and Qualifications

    It is desirable for students to have a solid understanding of applied microeconomic theory, econometrics and mathematics (linear algebra, real analysis, optimization, probability theory) prior to the start of the program. Adequate computer programming skills (e.g. Matlab, SAS, STAT, Python) are necessary in coursework. A traditional accounting background such as CPA is not required.

    Faculty in Accounting

    Assistant Professor
    Associate Professor
    Associate Professor
    Associate Professor
    Associate Professor
    Assistant Professor
    Associate Professor

    Emeriti Faculty

    Professor Emerita
    Professor Emeritus
    Professor Emeritus
    Professor Emeritus
    Professor Emeritus

    Recent Publications in Accounting

    Publication Search

    Fraudulent Financial Reporting and the Consequences for Employees

    Jung Ho Choi, Brandon Gipper
    Journal of Accounting and Economics August2024 Vol. 78 Issue 1

    Corporate Carbon Accounting: Balance Sheets and Flow Statements

    Stefan J. Reichelstein
    Review of Accounting Studies July2024 Vol. 29

    Firm Boundaries and Voluntary Disclosure

    Thomas Bourveau, John D. Kepler, Guoman She, Lynn Linghuan Wang
    The Accounting Review July2024 Vol. 99 Issue 4

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