SearchWorks Library Catalog
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eBooks Collections
These resources are available only to members of the Stanford community.
Full-text searching of books online with access to full-text books, sheet-music titles, maps, reports, and other documents. |
Includes thousands of eBooks in business and beyond, including from Harvard Business Publishing. |
For GSB Library’s eBooks, in the left panel select Business and Management. Under Refine by Access select All Accessible Content. |
Over 40,000 academic books from Oxford and other leading university presses. |
Popular business eBooks and audiobooks. Some eBooks can be downloaded in Kindle, Adobe EPUB, PDF formats. Use OverDrive app for mobile access. Questions? Check OverDrive Help. |
Provides more than 30,000 technology, digital media, and business books and videos. Also available via the O’Reilly mobile app (download instructions). |
Springer Science+Business Media provides access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, and reference works. |