Bharat Chandar

PhD Student, Economic Analysis & Policy
Bharat Chandar
I am a labor economist studying macroeconomic trends in labor markets. My job market paper studies how changes in the composition of college graduates affect inequality and labor demand. I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market.
Research Interests
- Labor Economics
- Applied Macroeconomics
Job Market Paper
Working Papers
with Dian Jiao and Marshall Mo
With Susan Athey and Juan Camilo Castillo. Revise and Resubmit at Management Science.
with Uri Gneezy, John A. List, and Ian Muir
with Uri Gneezy, John A. List, and Ian Muir
Work in Progress
Measuring Firm-Level Skill: Effects on Performance and Productivity
Coercive Sterilization in India
with Ruchi Mahadeshwar