Chelsea Lide

Chelsea Lide
PhD Student, Organizational Behavior
PhD Program Office Graduate School of Business Stanford University 655 Knight Way Stanford, CA 94305

Chelsea Lide

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Organizational Behavior (Micro). I study how employees form beliefs about social information, and how these beliefs shape their perceptions of—and behavior toward—others in the workplace.

In my dissertation, I introduce the concept of second-order prejudice, defined as our beliefs about the prejudices of others, as an important yet underexplored driver of discrimination in organizations. Through this research, I examine how we develop beliefs about others’ prejudices and the processes by which these beliefs influence personnel decisions like hiring, promotion, and job assignment.

I am currently on the 2023-24 academic job market.

Faculty Advisors

Justin M. Berg,

Research Interests

  • Social Cognition
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Flynn, F. J. & Lide, C. R. (2023). Academy of Management Journal.

Leaders may be seen by their followers as miscalibrating the quantity of their communication—sharing too much or too little. We propose that leaders are more likely to be seen as under-communicating than over-communicating, even though under-communication is more heavily penalized. In Study 1a, we examine 2,717 qualitative comments from archived leadership assessments and find that leaders are nearly ten times as likely to be criticized for under-communicating than over-communicating. In Study 1b, we obtain further evidence of this bias using a representative sample of U.S. adults. In Study 2, we manipulate communication (mis)calibration, showing that leaders who under-communicate are viewed as less qualified for a leadership role because they are viewed as less empathic. In Study 3, we use separate measures of employee perceptions of their manager’s communication as well as their preferences. When there is a lack of congruence between perceived and preferred communication, employees judge their leaders as lacking empathy and, in turn, leadership ability.

Work in Progress

Maintaining an Egalitarian Worldview through Discrimination

The Diversity Double-Bind: How Organizations Signal Diversity-Work is Both Needed and Non-Promotable

Strategies to Promote Inclusive Leadership (with D.H. Gruenfeld)

Antecedents of Perceived Inclusion in Organizations (with F.J. Flynn)