Stanford Seed is looking for high-potential CEOs or founders based in Africa, Indonesia and South Asia who are motivated for growth, and we need your help in letting people know about it.
The Seed Transformation Program is an unconventional, in-person and online learning experience that goes beyond acquiring business skills. Stanford’s world-renowned faculty and dedicated team of experts work with leaders throughout their 10-month journey to growth.
1. Copy-and-paste an announcement
Would you like to share this opportunity with your network? If so, click here to access easy-to-use, copy-and-paste resources, including social media posts, newsletter article, sample email text, and a WhatsApp post.
2. Share a Seed Video
Watch the videos below and share with your network, by clicking the arrow in the top right corner, and posting on social media or sharing the link.
3. Share an Info Session
Share a link to an online info session, details below:
Do you have any questions or suggestions about sharing or accessing these files? Contact us to learn more about program admission in your region.