This past year, the school graduated the first class to complete the redesigned curriculum. As a powerful testament to their Stanford GSB experience, the MBA Class of 2009 joined the community of annual gift donors by achieving an unprecedented 100% participation in their class gift campaign. With a total of $1,141,398 million in unrestricted support raised by the effort, their collective success represents $559,146 in pledges and an additional $582,252 in matching funds earned from the Weiland Legacy Challenge at Stanford GSB and the university’s Atwell Match.

Class of 2009 Gift Committee

Class of 2009 Gift Committee members with former dean, Robert L. Joss, and Dean Garth Saloner.

The Weiland Legacy Challenge is a result of an unrestricted endowed fund that was established by a bequest, a portion of which was made available to the class gift effort. The Atwell Match is a university-wide fund that matches gifts and pledges from students and young alumni who are less than 10 years out from graduation. The Class of 2009 took advantage of both opportunities to maximize the impact of their gifts.

With these impressive results, graduating students were ushered into the worldwide community of Stanford GSB alumni. Their intent with the class gift was to acknowledge their time at Stanford GSB as one of tremendous intellectual and personal growth characterized by new lifelong friendships, firsthand insight into business in other countries, leadership skills, and a timely, rigorous education — giving the tools and motivation to change lives, change organizations, and change the world. And, just as they had been supported by the financial commitment of previous classes, the Class of 2009 banded together to support future generations at Stanford GSB with resounding success.

Congratulations to the Class of 2009!

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