Working Papers

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SSRN Research Paper Series

The Social Science Research Network’s Research Paper Series includes working papers produced by Stanford GSB the Rock Center.

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Decoding Social Disclosure Decisions: A Field Experiment with Workforce Diversity Data

Jung Ho Choi, Maureen McNichols, Maximilian Muhn

In recent years, U.S. public companies have increasingly begun to voluntarily disclose official workforce diversity data (i.e., EEO-1 reports), which they previously only confidentially filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission…

Human Capital Disclosure and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Regulation S-K

Jung Ho Choi, Dan Li , Daniele Macciocchi

We examine the labor market consequences of the 2020 Regulation S-K requiring human capital disclosure in 10K filings. Using large-sample job-level data, we observe that public firms subject to the regulation increase their disclosure of…

The Spiderweb of Partnership Tax Structures

Ryan Hess, Emily Black, Zaynah Javed, Jonathan Hennessy, Rebecca Lester, Jacob Goldin, Daniel E. Ho, Annette Portz

U.S. partnerships control more than $40 trillion in assets, vastly outnumber U.S. public firms, and contribute significantly to the U.S. tax non-compliance of pass-through entities, which is larger than the non-compliance of publicly traded…

Assessing the Costs of Industrial Decarbonization

Gunther Glenk, Rebecca Meier, Stefan J. Reichelstein

Companies in various industries are under growing pressure to assess the costs of decarbonizing their operations. This paper develops a generic abatement cost concept to identify the cost-efficient combination of technological and operational…

Fair Market Valuation of Electric Vehicle Batteries in Second Life Applications

Amadeus Bach, Simona Onori, Stefan J. Reichelstein, Jihan Zhuang

The rapidly growing number of lithium-ion battery packs deployed in electric vehicles (EVs) entails enormous economic potential for used EV batteries to be redeployed in a second life application, e.g., for behind-the-meter stationary energy…

The Consequences of Limiting the Tax Deductibility of R&D

Mary Cowx, Rebecca Lester, Michelle Nessa

We study the tax payment and innovation consequences of limiting the tax deductibility of research and development (“R&D”) expenditures. Beginning in 2022, U.S. companies are required to capitalize and amortize R&D rather than immediately…

Market Access and Retail Investment Performance

Ed deHaan, Andrew Glover

We examine the effects of stock market access, and in particular trading hours, on retail investment performance. Using discontinuities around time zone borders, we find that plausibly exogenous decreases in waking trading hours are associated…

The Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation

Christopher S. Armstrong, Stephen Glaeser, Stella Y. Park, Oscar Timmermans

We study how the assignment of intellectual property rights for successful innovations between inventors and their employers affect inventor-employer matching, the generality of innovation, and innovation disclosure. To do so, we examine the…

The Challenge of Early-Stage Companies Sustaining High Growth and Defying the Gravity Effect

Antonio Davila , George Foster, Xiaobin He, Jia Ning, Carlos Shimizu

We identify a model of early-stage company growth persistence. Using seven commercial high growth company lists (either a Top 500 or Top 100 list of companies), we find that approximately 30% of companies remain on these lists for two consecutive…

Carbon Accounting Quality: Measurement and the Role of Assurance

Brandon Gipper, Fiona Sequeira, Shawn Shi

We examine the role of assurance — third-party verification — on carbon accounting quality. We develop a measure of carbon accounting quality based on the deviation of reported emissions from a model-based expected level and use two other survey-…

Earnings News and Local Household Spending

Brandon Gipper, Laura Lingyu Gu, Jinhwan Kim, Suzie Noh

Using debit and credit card data, we find a one standard-deviation increase in firms’ earnings surprise is linked to a 3% or $5.6 billion increase in aggregate quarterly consumption of local households near the disclosing firms’ headquarters. The…

Earnings Targets, Strategic Patent Sales, and Patent Trolls

Jinhwan Kim, Kristen Valentine

Innovative public firms sell 9.6% (615) more patents in the last month, relative to the first half of the fiscal year. Consistent with reporting incentives driving these sales, they are more pronounced among firms with strong incentives to meet…

The Innovation Consequences of Judicial Efficiency

Jinhwan Kim, Terrence Tianshuo Shi, Rodrigo S. Verdi

We examine how the efficiency of the judicial system impacts corporate innovation. To do so, we exploit a pilot program introduced by the U.S. Congress in 2011, which allowed judges with expertise(as opposed to randomly selected judges) to…

Corporate Carbon Accounting: Balance Sheets and Flow Statements

Stefan J. Reichelstein

Current corporate disclosures regarding carbon emissions lack commonly accepted accounting rules. The carbon accrual accounting system described here takes the rules of historical cost accounting for operating assets as a template for generating…

Informing Entrepreneurs? Initial Public Offerings and New Business Formation

John Manuel Barrios, Jung Ho Choi, Yael V. Hochberg, Jinhwan Kim, Miao Liu

We examine the relationship between public firm disclosure and aggregate new business formation. Consistent with the notion that public company disclosures provide information spillovers that reduce the extent of uncertainty about new…

Corporate Tax Policy in Developed Countries and Economic Activity in Africa

Jeffrey L. Hoopes, Daniel Klein, Rebecca Lester, Marcel Olbert

This paper studies whether tax policies in developed nations affect developing economies. We study firm investment responses to a major reform that reduced the corporate income tax rate for U.K.-based firms. Our identification strategy compares…

Breaking Down Information Inequality: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Technology Industry

Jung Ho Choi, Surya Ierokomos, Adina Sterling

The under-representation of women in the technology industry has long been recognized as a concern, and the provision of gender-specific information on job search platforms has emerged as a potential solution. In this research, we study how…

ESG Assurance in the United States

Brandon Gipper, Samantha Ross, Shawn Shi

We provide the first, large sample evidence on third-party verification of firms’ environmental and social metrics in ESG reports (“ESG assurance”) in the United States. Focusing on S&P 500 firms from 2010-2020, we document a striking…

Internalizing Peer Firm Proprietary Costs: Evidence from Supply Chain Relations

Farzana Afrin, Jinhwan Kim, Sugata Roychowdhury

We examine whether the proprietary costs of economically linked peers influence focal firms’ merger and acquisition (M&A) decisions, which often involve extensive transfers of proprietary information across merging entities. Using data on…

Advances in Power-to-Gas Technologies: Cost and Conversion Efficiency

Gunther Glenk, Philip Holler, Stefan J. Reichelstein

Widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier is widely believed to require continued advances in Power-to-Gas (PtG) technologies. Here we provide a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of system prices and conversion efficiency for…