Wind River Environmental
| Case No.
| Length
17 pgs.
David Dodson started the septic company roll-up Wind River Environmental after mixed results in his previous entrepreneurial ventures. This case tracks three difficult situations faced by Dodson during his tenure as CEO and Chairman of the company. In the first situation, he must prepare for a media interview after a customer dies in a tragic accident involving a septic tank serviced by Dodson’s company. In the second situation, Dodson must terminate Wind River’s CFO after she failed to fulfill her obligations with the company’s lender.  In the third situation, we find Dodson ready to leave behind day-to-day responsibilities at Wind River. But first, he must develop a transition plan to enable his successful departure.
Learning Objective
The purpose of this case is to prepare students for difficult situations in managing a growing enterprise. The three situations described in this case include a press interview, an employee termination, and a transition plan for an exiting CEO
This material is designated for use in specific Stanford GSB classes only. For inquiries, contact the
Case Writing Office.