Careers of Women, Minority and White Male MBAs

By Thomas W. HarrellMargaret S. Harrell
1980| Working Paper No. 558

Questionnaires were sent in 1978 to Stanford Graduate School of Business alumni from the classes of 1973-75. Questions were included on career progress and on the earnings of spouse or partner. The response rate was 77% of domestic graduates to whom the study was limited. A random sample of White Males numbering 229 were compared with 50 White Females, 43 Minority Males, 20 Minority Females, and 11 Females who did not answer the ethnic question. All groups started at about the same salaries. White Males had higher current earnings than White Females, or Minorities. White Males reported working 5 hours more per week than White Females. White Males and Minority Males were essentially equal in achieving a position as General Manager. There seemed to be a sex difference in Work Area, or positions, in line with tradition.