Joshuamorris (Josh) Hurwitz

Joshuamorris (Josh) Hurwitz
Research Interests
- Organizational crises and crisis management
- Law and society
- Boundary-making
- Organizational theory
Teaching Statement
The twenty-first century has proven to be highly dynamic and unpredictable one for organizations. “Business as usual” is increasingly an exceptional state of affairs. As an organizational theorist and economic sociologist, my goal is to understand how organizations and their members navigate such uncertain and fluid conditions.
My research seeks to deepen classical sociological understandings of culture as a tool for navigating change by specifying how and when culture matters in these situations. It is my project to generate organizational theory about when certain cultural elements get “activated.”
I use a range of methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches, to study organizational and environmental change in a variety of contexts, including technology implementation in healthcare settings; policy-making and boundary-work concerning the COVID-19 pandemic; craft production in India; and, civic associations in Boston.