Career & Success

Working From Home? Here’s How to Be More Effective

Stanford GSB experts discuss the secrets and pitfalls of keeping workers away from the office.

March 11, 2020

| by Steve Hawk


A young businesswoman working on her laptop in her home office. Credit: iStock/PeopleImages

Companies around the world have asked employees to work from home, if possible. | iStock/PeopleImages

To protect employees and slow the coronavirus outbreak, companies worldwide are asking employees to practice “social distancing,” mainly by working remotely. Here are four articles from the Stanford GSB Insights archives that discuss the challenges and benefits of working from home — and how to do so effectively.

Make the Most of Your Virtual Communications

In an exclusive video, communications expert and Stanford GSB Lecturer Matt Abrahams demonstrates how to communicate successfully from afar.

10 Tips for Giving Effective Virtual Presentations

In this written piece, Abrahams offers an array of advice for remote presentations. His top three tips: keep it short, look at the camera, and be ready for your close-up.

Why Working from Home Is a “Future-Looking Technology”

Working from home often gets a bad rap, but requiring employees to be in the office is an outdated tradition that ignores modern communications methods, says Professor Nicholas Bloom. Here, Bloom shares research that shows how companies and employees benefit from workplace flexibility.

Lindred Greer: Why Virtual Teams Have More Conflict

Disagreements among virtual teams can escalate more quickly than in face-to-face encounters. A professor of organizational behavior explains why such conflict is more likely and how to prevent it.

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