Judd Olanoff

MBA 2020
- Hometown: New York, NY
- Pre-MBA: Finance and Politics
Judd Olanoff
Post Graduation Goals:
Make a difference at the intersection of business, public policy, and media
Favorite Class:
Ethics in Management. We considered ethical dilemmas in business cases. The class blended philosophy and modern frameworks for understanding the ideal role of business. Didn’t know it was possible to do math and read Kant in one class.
GSB Transformation:
The GSB has pushed me out of my comfort zone – in public speaking, in group dynamics, and in courses where I lacked experience. My classmates’ diverse backgrounds have sparked my interest in new business areas.
Most of all, the community has encouraged me to be myself, and to pursue my dreams. It seems like everyone here is pursuing theirs – and supporting each other’s. That culture is contagious.

No class today. Starting the day with the dish hike. One of my favorite spots here. Incredible views of campus, the valley, and the bay. Can see all the way to SF on a clear day.

Admit Weekend for Round 2 is coming up in three days. I’m on the Admit Weekend Committee. This morning we’re training the newest Section Leaders -- students who will get to know the admits and give them a glimpse into life at the GSB.

Reading for tomorrow’s Macro class and prep work for Winning Writing. This is one of those days here where you can’t find a cloud. Trying to maximize time outside.

Meet a friend at Coupa (coffee place in center of GSB campus) to catch up and talk about summer plans.

Short walk to Arbuckle Dining Hall to meet a professor for guidance on an extracurricular project. Lots of people in town square taking advantage of the perfect weather and the day off from class.

Back home to Munger to work outside on slides for Admit Weekend.

Stanford Driving Range. Trying to find my golf swing before the summer.

TALK is a Wednesday night tradition where two classmates talk openly about the most meaningful experiences in their lives. It’s a highlight of GSB life. I’d like to stay for both speakers but tonight I have 3 on 3 intramural basketball, so my wife and I walk to TALK together and she stays to watch for both of us.

Opening 3 on 3 intramural basketball game of the season. Our GSB team loses a close one to a few (very good) Stanford undergrads. We’ll bounce back next week.
Work on Operations group project. Then sleep.
Work on the Operations project before 8:30 am class. We’re trying to fix the bottleneck in a hospital intake process. Busy with class and meetings until late afternoon so trying to make some progress before starting the day.

Walk from Munger to the GSB for class. Rough weather today -- cold, windy, sleet. Kidding -- perfect weather again.
Winning Writing class. A favorite. Taught by Glenn Kramon of the NYT. Today our guest is Nicole Perlroth, the NYT’s cybersecurity reporter. We’re discussing how companies should interact with the media in a crisis.

Lunch to celebrate LOWkeynotes. LKN is a program where 30 students across the MBA and MSx programs deliver a 9-minute TED-style talk to the GSB community after months of prep and coaching. Was an amazing experience. Topics ranged from lucid dreaming to healthcare technology. I talked about how to fix political media.

Macroeconomics. Today’s topic is globalization and trade. We discuss the economic benefits and drawbacks of free trade and trade deficits.

Meet my Operations group in a study room at the GSB to work on the hospital case.

Done with Operations case. Meet my wife to sit in the sun in Town Square and catch up about the day.

Dinner across the street from campus.
After doing some reading for tomorrow’s People Analytics and Strategic Communication classes and finishing the Operations case, going to sleep.

People Analytics class. Today the Salesforce People Analytics director speaks with us about how the company uses data and algorithmic models.

Quick coffee at Arbuckle between classes.

Strategic Communication class. Today we each have 2 minutes of prep to deliver a 2 minute presentation in front of the class incorporating what we’ve learned about public speaking. The added benefit of this class is that by hearing classmates talk about stories from their lives, I meet new people and continue to learn about them.

Meet a classmate at Town Square to learn about his sports tech startup. They just got initial funding and I think they have a great idea, so I want to learn more.
Quick lunch at Coupa and catch up with a couple classmates before Operations.

Operations. We review the solutions for the hospital patient intake case. We decide to add a nurse and a doctor and spread out staff lunch hours. Case solved.

Walk from the GSB home to Munger to get ready for tonight’s big event -- the GSB Show in Redwood City.

The GSB Show just wrapped up. Incredible. A 3-hour student-written satire about the GSB. A highlight of the year.