Lucy Montgomery

MBA 2020
- Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
- Pre-MBA: Government / Consulting
Lucy Montgomery
Post Graduation Goals:
Start my own company in Iowa and eventually run for office
Highlight of my Week:
Planning and executing a campaign strategy for my presidential run in our simulation-based How to Make Economy Policy class.
GSB Clubs & Activities:
Co-founder and co-president, Midwest Club; President, Basketball Club; Student Association Athletic Committee; student manager for Stanford Women’s Basketball; Christians in Business; Government and Politics Club
I wake up pretty early, even on weekends. I find that time to be when I’m most productive. This morning, I do some homework and apply for summer internships.

A highlight of my week is my Sunday conversation with my grandma, who lives in Iowa. She tells me that it’s snowing there; I get to brag that it’s 75 degrees and sunny here!

I head to the Arrillaga Alumni Center for the Stanford Women’s Basketball end-of-season banquet. I was a manager for the team this year, and loved getting to know the players. They made it to the Elite 8 this year and have a strong team next season, so I’m looking forward to coming back for more fun next year!

I take advantage of the amazing weather by taking a quick spin around campus on my rollerblades. One of my favorite things about Stanford is how easy it is to do outdoor activities.

My friend from DC was in Oakland for the weekend so I drove up to see her for dinner. The pizza was amazing!
I do some admin to get ready for the upcoming week, which mainly includes managing my calendar and answering emails. I always try to get a decent night of sleep on Sunday to prepare for the week ahead.

I bike a few miles off campus for a pilates-like class at Core Studio. I try to come to the same class each week because the instructor is awesome.

My first class of the day is Online Marketplaces. In this class, we work with data from Airbnb to build regression models that analyze the factors that determine whether or not a customer contacts an Airbnb host to make a reservation.

In today’s corporate governance class, we have a discussion on diversity on corporate boards. Our professor shares some of his research that he completed in conjunction with the Stanford Women on Boards Initiative.
I grab a quick lunch from Arbuckle (dining hall) and head back to my room to answer emails and do some reading.

My final class of the day is Operations. Today, we complete a case study on queueing, bottlenecks, and flow rates.

This quarter, I started working for a GSB startup called Mon Ami, which connects students to elderly community members who may need assistance with chores and other tasks. My Mon Ami companions, John and Therese, are fantastic and I love my weekly visits to their house.

Before school began, I went on a Global Seminar to Brazil. I highly recommend these trips; there’s no better way to get an introduction to the GSB and make deep connections with classmates. Our Brazil family still gets together regularly for reunions!
I work on some homework and answer more emails. Tonight, I’m working on a memo on climate change and the social cost of carbon in preparation for my How to Make Economic Policy class.

A group of us started a weekly early morning workout called GSBAMF, which stands for GSB AM (morning) Fitness. One of our awesome classmates leads the workout. The sun felt so good this morning!

One of my favorite classes this quarter is How to Make Economic Policy. It’s taught by Keith Hennessey, former chair of the National Economic Council. Our class is conducting a eight-week simulation to introduce and (hopefully) pass legislation related to immigration reform and climate change. I am running for class president in this simulation and the election is next week!
My classmates and I created the new Midwest Club this quarter. The goal of the Midwest Club is to promote cultural awareness, career opportunities and fellowship relating to all things Midwest at the GSB. Today, we met to discuss our kickoff event, where we’re planning to serve Midwest food and play Midwest trivia!
I send emails and do some catch-up. I’m working to secure a summer internship and spend some time doing research on GSB alumni and companies that are interesting.

The Women in Management (WIM) Club hosted a brown bag lunch on fertility preservation options. Lots of women and men were attendance to learn more!

I catch up with the GSB Residences staff. These are some of my favorite people at the GSB; they do such a good job making the GSB Residences feel like home!

Some classmates and I go for a bike ride up into the hills close to campus. I love how easy it is to enjoy nature at the GSB!
The Christians in Business club meets every Thursday night. These meetings are a constant in my week and I always leave feeling re-centered.
There are plenty of opportunities to socialize at the GSB. Tonight, we head into downtown Palo Alto for some dancing and fun!