Wednesday, Nov 02, 2022
8:30am – 4:30pm
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Accelerate the Next Stage of Your Success

An interactive professional development program supporting women’s leadership.
Open to
female leaders in an executive education course


Stanford Graduate School of Business
Vidalakis Hall & Courtyard
680 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305
United States

Stanford MSx Admissions, Stanford GSB Executive Education, and Stanford LEAD are pleased to host Accelerate. This interactive professional development program supporting women’s leadership will introduce you to learning opportunities at Stanford Graduate School of Business through engagement with faculty, alumni, and past program participants. Gain practical tools to help navigate gender bias in the workplace during an interactive session with Lori Mackenzie, lead strategist for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn from Professor Jennifer Aaker and gain new insights and learn to harness humor to be more authentic and influential, cultivate more meaningful and productive relationships, produce more innovative ideas, and build more nimble and resilient teams and organizations. Hear from Deborah Gruenfeld, professor of organizational behavior, how women leaders can rise to the occasion and wield power without fear. Engage with a panel of women leaders on how to successfully employ power and presence in a dynamic working environment.

Parking and meals are included in the fee.

Who Should Attend

  • Mid- and senior-level managers who lead teams or oversee key functions
  • Women seeking to return to work after having made significant contributions to companies or organizations before taking time off
  • Executives and entrepreneurs who aspire to positions of greater influence and authority in their organizations
  • Participants of all genders who are interested in advancing executive women’s leadership in business




Time Session
8:30am – 9:30am Registration & Breakfast
9:30am – 9:45am Welcome & Accelerate Overview
9:45am – 10:45am Session 1

Lori Nishiura Mackenzie is co-founder of Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab and lead strategist of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Today, women hold a record 26.7% of the seats in the U.S. Congress and are a record-breaking 8.1% of the CEOs of the Fortune 500. These numbers are cause for celebration, yet also frustration; neither are close to parity. Real change is slow and hard-won. And the consequences of the often-uneven playing field can be felt by women advancing the career ladder. For many, they face an unyielding double bind of being either likeable or successful, a bind that most men are unlikely to face. This double bind is a well-documented phenomenon, yet successful women who learn to self-monitor through this labyrinth can achieve even more success than the most assertive men. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the double bind women face and discover workable solutions to move beyond this limitation to find more voice in the areas that are important to you.
10:45am – 11:00am Break
11:00am – 12:00pm Session 2

Jennifer Aaker is the General Atlantic Professor and the Coulter Family Faculty Fellow at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

To become this new type of leader, you must be anchored on purpose and fueled by humor. Your sense of purpose will create clarity, fuel engagement, and cultivate trust. Your sense of levity and humor will enhance creativity, foster more meaningful relationships, and bolster resilience when the stakes are highest. This balance of purpose and levity will equip you with the humility and emotional intelligence to connect deeply with your teams, partners, and customers, the vision to build loyalty and drive toward lofty goals, and the mental agility to tackle the complex problems in our changing world.
12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch & Networking
1:15pm – 2:15pm

Session 3

Deborah H. Gruenfeld is The Joseph McDonald Professor and professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

The ability to function effectively within a hierarchy is a crucial component of leadership, yet many people struggle with “authority issues” that make certain hierarchical roles and positions difficult for them. This session draws the concepts of psychology and the craft of acting to help participants learn the mindsets and behaviors that are necessary to play powerful roles effectively. Professor Deborah Gruenfeld and author of the new book, Acting with Power: Why We Are More Powerful Than We Believe, addresses how what we need from our leaders is changing, and how women leaders, in particular, can rise to the occasion, by learning to wield power without fear.

2:15pm – 2:30pm Break
2:30pm – 3:30pm Panel

Join a panel of Stanford GSB alumni and past program participants as they share how they have successfully utilized power to enhance their presence in dynamic working environments.


  • Maya Dhir, Product Partnerships - Customer Success at Blend, MS ‘22


  • Ayat Abuagla, Vice President - Senior Strategic Insights Leader at Wells Fargo Bank, LEAD ‘21
  • Simone Hill Okafor, Founder & CEO at Melanated Futures Group, MBA ‘14
  • Lamiaa Daif, Worldwide Business Planning & Strategy at Apple, MS ‘22
3:30pm – 3:45pm Wrap-up
3:45pm – 4:30pm Optional Networking Session