Joanne Martin

Professor Emerita, Organizational Behavior
+1 (650) 723-4791

Joanne Martin

The Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior, Emerita

Academic Area:

Research Statement

Joanne Martin is best known for her research on organizational culture. More recently her work has shifted to the study of gender in organizations. Recent projects focus on large-scale, cross-institutional efforts to improve gender equity, here and abroad; the process by which gender is socially constructed in organizational settings; and the subtle and often unintended ways organizational cultures place women at a disadvantage.


Joanne Martin is the Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior, Emerita, and, by courtesy, Sociology at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Martin received a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard in 1977 and honorary doctorates from Copenhagen Business School in 2001 and the Vrej University in Amsterdam in 2005.

In addition to her work at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford, Professor Martin has been elected to serve on: the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management; the Stanford University Advisory Board (reviewing all tenure appointments) at Stanford; the Board of Directors of C.P.P., Inc.; and the International Advisory Board of the International Center for Research in Organizational Discourse, Strategy, and Change, for the Universities of Melbourne, Sydney, London, and McGill.

Martin has received numerous awards, including the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Award from the American Psychological Association in 1988 (for a paper with Thomas Pettigrew on barriers to inclusion for African-Americans); the Distinguished Educator Award from the Academy of Management in 2000, the Centennial Medal from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, for research-based contributions to society, in 2002; and the Distinguished Scholar Career Achievement Award from the National Academy of Management, Organization, and Management Theory Division in 2005.

Academic Degrees

  • Honorary Doctorate, Social Anthropology, Vrije University, Amsterdam, 2005
  • Honorary Doctorate, Economics and Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School, 2001
  • PhD, Social Psychology, Harvard University, 1977
  • BA, Smith College, 1968

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 1977
  • Trust Faculty Fellow, Stanford GSB, 2005-2006
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 2004–2005
  • Visiting Scholar, Copenhagen Business School, Spring 2004 and Spring 1998
  • Trust Faculty Fellow and James and Doris McNamara Faculty Fellow, Stanford GSB, 1990-1991
  • Ruffin Fellow of Business Ethics, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, 1990
  • Visiting Scholar, Australian Graduate School of Management and Department of Psychology, Sydney University, 1989-1990

Awards and Honors

  • Distinguished Scholar Career Achievement Award, Academy of Management, 2005
  • JMI Distinguished Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management, 2003
  • Centennial Medal, Harvard Business School, 2002
  • Distinguished Educator Award, Academy of Management, 2000
  • Winner (with Thomas Pettigrew), Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize for Research, American Psychological Association, 1988
  • Promising Young Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management, 1982
  • Dissertation Award from American Psychological Association, Division 14, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1978
  • Lena Lake Forrest Research Fellowship from Business and Professional Women's Foundation, 1977
  • Sigma Xi Dissertation Award, The Scientific Research Society,1976


Journal Articles

Joanne Martin
Journal of Management Inquiry
2000 Vol. 9 Issue 2 Pages 207-216
Joanne Martin, Kathleen Knopoff, Christine Beckman
Administrative Science Quarterly
1998 Vol. 43 Issue 2 Pages 429-469
Joanne Martin
Organizational Science
1995 Vol. 6 Pages 230-232
Joanne Martin, Joseph W. Harder
Social Justice Research
September 1994 Vol. 7 Issue 3 Pages 241-264
Joanne Martin, C. Siehl
Organizational Dynamics
January 1990 Vol. 12 Issue 2 Pages 52-64
Joanne Martin
Organization Science
1990 Vol. 1 Issue 4 Pages 339-359
Joanne Martin, Maureen Scully, Barbara Levitt
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1990 Vol. 59 Issue 2 Pages 281-290
Joanne Martin
Contemporary Psychology (book review)
1990 Vol. 35 Pages 231-232
Debra Meyerson, Joanne Martin
Journal of Management Studies
November 1987 Vol. 24 Issue 6 Pages 623-647
Joanne Martin, Barbara Levitt, Maureen Scully
Social Science
1987 Vol. 72 Pages 74-80
Joanne Martin, Thomas F. Pettigrew
Journal of Social Issues
1987 Vol. 43 Issue 1 Pages 41-78
Joanne Martin, Thomas F. Pettigrew
Journal of Social Issues
1987 Vol. 43 Pages 145-156
Joanne Martin, Philip Brickman, Alan Murray
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
September 1984 Vol. 20 Issue 5 Pages 484-496
Joanne Martin, Martha S. Feldman, Mary Jo Hatch, Sim B. Sitkin
Administrative Science Quarterly
September 1983 Vol. 28 Issue 3 Pages 438-453
Joanne Martin
The Journal of Human Resources
1982 Vol. 17 Issue 1 Pages 110-122
Joanne Martin
American Behavioral Scientist
December 1981 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 131-151
Joseph E. McGrath, Joanne Martin, Richard A. Kulka
American Behavioral Scientist
December 1981 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 211-224


Joanne Martin
Sage Publications
Joanne Martin
Oxford University Press
Peter J. Frost, Larry F. Moore, Meryl R. Louis, Craig C. Lundberg, Joanne Martin
SAGE Publications
August 7, 1991
P. Frost, L. Moore, M. Louis, C. Lundberg, Joanne Martin
SAGE Publications
Newbury Park, CA
Joseph E. McGrath, Joanne Martin, Richard A. Kulka
SAGE Publications
Newbury Park, CA
October 1, 1982

Book Chapters

Joanne Martin, D. Meyerson
The Sage Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organisation
2008 Pages 552-554
Joanne Martin
The Handbook of Organizational Studies, 2nd Edition
Joanne Martin, Peter J. Frost, Olivia A. O'Neill
The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies
Joanne Martin
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior, 2nd edition
2005 Pages 272-278
Joanne Martin
Classics of Organization Theory, 6th Edition
Joanne Martin
Studying Management Critically
2003 Pages 66-91
Joanne Martin
The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory
2003 Pages 392-419
Joanne Martin
Renewing Research Practice
2003 Pages 29-53
Joanne Martin, S.E. Taylor
The Compleat Academic
2003 Pages 363-392
Joanne Martin
Emotions in Organizations
2000 Pages 115-139
Joanne Martin, D. Meyerson
Power and Influence in Organizations
1998 Pages 311-348
Joanne Martin, Kathleen Knopoff
Ruffin Lecture Series (Volume III): Business Ethics and Women’s Studies
1997 Pages 30-49
Joanne Martin, Peter Frost
Handbook of Organizational Studies
1996 Pages 598-621
Roderick M. Kramer, Joanne Martin
Rhythms of Academic Life
1996 Pages 165-180
Joanne Martin
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior
1995 Pages 376-382
Joanne Martin
Social Psychology in Organizations: Advances in Theory and Research
1993 Pages 296-321
Joanne Martin
Doing Exemplary Research
1992 Pages 233-239
Joanne Martin
Reframing Organizational Culture
1991 Pages 352-355
Joanne Martin
Theory and Philosophy of Organizations
1990 Pages 30-43
Joanne Martin, C. Siehl
Organizational Climate and Culture
1990 Pages 241-281
Joanne Martin, C. Siehl
Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension
1988 Pages 79-104
Joanne Martin
Managing Ambiguity and Change
1988 Pages 93-125
Joanne Martin, Debra Meyerson
Proceedings: International Conference on Organization Symbolism and Corporate Culture: Cultural Engineering -- The Evidence For And Against
Joanne Martin, Shelley E. Taylor
The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist
1986 Pages 23-60
Joanne Martin
Relative Deprivation and Social Comparison: The Ontario Symposium, Vol. 4
1986 Pages 217-242
Joanne Martin
Justice in Social Relations
1986 Pages 317-335
Joanne Martin, S. Sitkin, M. Boehm
Organizational Culture
1985 Pages 99-124
Joanne Martin, Alan Murray
The Sense of Injustice: Social Psychological Perspectives
1984 Pages 95-139
Joanne Martin, C. Siehl
Leaders and Managers: International Perspectives on Managerial Behavior and Leadership, Vol. 7
1984 Pages 227-239
Joanne Martin
Theories of Equity: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives
1983 Pages 169-205
Joanne Martin, M. Powers
Psychological Foundations of Organizational Behavior, 2nd ed
1983 Pages 162-168
Joanne Martin, M. Powers
Organizational Symbolism
1983 Pages 93-107
Joanne Martin, Gregory B. Northcraft
Sex-Role Stereotyping and Affirmative Action Policy
1982 Pages 81-130
Joanne Martin
Cognitive Social Psychology
1982 Pages 255-305
Joanne Martin, L.L Cummings, B.M. Staw
Research in Organizational Behavior
1981 Pages 53-107

Working Papers

Joanne Martin, Peter J. Frost, Olivia A. O’Neill August 2004
Joanne Martin 2004
Shelley Taylor , Joanne Martin February 2002
Joanne Martin, Christine Beckman, Steven Su 1997
Joanne Martin, Caren Siehl, Cathy Anterasian May 1988
Shelley Taylor, Joanne Martin 1985
Joanne Martin, Sim Sitkin, Michael Boehm March 1984
Joanne Martin, Philip Brickman, Alan Murray December 1983
Joanne Martin, Philip Brickman, Alan Murray July 1983
Joanne Martin, Martha Feldman, Mary Jo Hatch, Sim Sitkin 1983
Alan L. Wilkins, Joanne Martin 1980
Joanne Martin, Wendy Harrod, Caren Siehl 1980

Stanford Case Studies

Joanne Martin, Debra Meyerson

Service to the Profession

Board Membership

  • Silicon Valley Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors, 2000-2003

Advisory Board

  • International Centre for Research in Organizational Discourse, Strategy, and Change, Universities, 2000-present
  • International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women, 1998-present

Editorial Board

  • Gender, Work and Organization, 1998-present

Board of Directors

  • Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. (Member, audit committee; compensation and evaluation committee, 1993-2003